Diesel Fuel Polishing

Does Your Diesel Go the Mile?

Whether your tank is 50 gallons or 5,000 gallons, MegaWattage has the equipment to effectively polish your diesel fuel and restore it to maximum reliability.


What is Fuel Polishing?

Diesel Fuel Polishing is a filtration process that removes water, algae, and other contaminants from fuel. Unsure if your diesel is at risk? Fuel contamination can happen a multitude of ways. If the fuel tank has been compromised, if it has been exposed to extreme heat for a prolonged period of time, if the diesel generator has not been exercised, or if your reserve tank has sat untreated, you may be in for an unfortunate surprise. Microbial contaminants can build up fast, especially if you’re located in a primarily hot region. 


Why is it important?

Fuel contamination is a major cause of premature engine failure. If not managed properly or proactively, this can lead to some costly repairs. Or in severe cases, replacement. When moisture build up occurs, an accumulation of water in the fuel tank can result. With water in your diesel fuel, the growth of algae, bacteria and other particulate matter will increase rapidly. Without treatment or proper maintenance, these contaminants can clog filters and damage the entire generator fuel system. 


How does it work?

Fuel Polishing, also known as Fuel Filtration, is the process by which fuel is removed from the tank, filtered, and then returned to the tank as clean, or polished, fuel. Filter sizes vary, but commonly decrease in size throughout the filtration process in order to catch smaller and smaller sediment. This service aids in removing water, sludge, rust, and/or microbial particulate matter from the diesel. Cleaning fuel can be significantly more cost effective than replacing it. However, diesel fuel can reach a contamination point that surpasses polishing. Dependent on tank size, this is when refueling can become expensive. At MegaWattage, our expert team provides all clients with a comprehensive fuel analysis package, including comparison samples of their fuel, a report presenting our insights, and recommendations for effective solutions.

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  • 1

    If I Store Fuel in an Auxiliary Tank, Do I Still Need to Clean it?

    Yes. Fuel that has sat unused for a period of time will become contaminated with bacteria and particulate matter. You will want to make sure such fuel is cleaned/polished/filtered prior to being dispensed into your generator. Otherwise you can run the risk of accruing costly repairs and interrupted power supply.

  • 2

    If I Add Fuel Conditioner to My Tank, is that Enough to Clean the Fuel?

    No. Algae and sludge can form on the bottom and sides of the tank. A professional needs to remove these contaminants and run the fuel through an extensive filtration process known as Fuel Polishing. Contaminated fuel also needs to be disposed of properly and in accordance with Florida Law. Always seek professional help when cleaning your diesel fuel.

  • 3

    How Often Should I Clean the Fuel in My Generator?

    If your fuel remains dormant throughout the year, we recommend cleaning such fuel on an annual basis. MegaWattage offers Diesel Fuel Polishing as a part of its Preventive Maintenance Program.